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Breadcrumbs Αγγλικά

Certainly it is very difficult to focus your attention on your healthy child when another family member is in a critical condition.

It is worth noting that...

- You should spend some quality time with your child without being distracted from other factors
- Try to discuss about the patient's condition, the changes in routine that may occurred and "explore" the feelings and thoughts of your child

Observe ...

  • Recognize your child's feelings (anger, sadness, jealousy, anxiety, guilt, etc.) and understand that children cannot talk about their feelings. Instead, most often they are expressed through their behavior, e.g. they can become more sensitive or attached to their parents
  • If your child wants to somehow help the patient, you can, for example, suggest to prepare a card for wishing quick recovery
  • Think carefully if your child is able to visit the patient in the ICU
  • Keep the child's routine as stable as possible and prepare the child for any changes in the family or daily routine
  • If It is challenging for you how to help your child cope with a critical situation of a family member, Psychologists of Ariadne Project are here to guide you on how to support your child during a critical situation
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