Ariadne service is able to offer Psychological Support, during and after the patient’s hospitalization is in the ICU, for as long as you wish for.
• The sessions are offered for free to the families of the patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
• They are offered between 10:00a.m. until 19:00, Monday to Friday, and they last between 30-60 minutes
• You may also talk with the Psychologist through Ariadne website

And if you hesitate to visit the Psychologist, take a look at the text below to realize that during the session with the Psychologist you will not get bored or tired.

Educational stories

Reading with the Psychologist...

During your meeting with the psychologist you will have the opportunity to read together various educational stories which will enrich you with new knowledge and images. In some stories, the characters, similarly to you, may experience some difficulty. While reading the stories, do not be surprised if you find a solution to a problem that worries you. 

We advise you...

Pay attention to the stories and do not hesitate to discuss with the Psychologist. Why? Because you will feel better.


When you read the story, the psychologist will help you relax, learn new things and discuss any feelings of fear, anxiety or disappointment you may feel.


Creating in the Psychologist's office...

During the sessions with the Psychologist you will have the opportunity -if you want- to draw anything expresses you, like your family, a person, a house or a tree.

• Psychologists will give you various colored pencils, which you can use to complete your drawing
• You can choose your favorite color or even better all the colors you will have in front of you
• You have the freedom to draw anything you want, whether it is something you saw recently and you were impressed or something that worried you

What you need to know... 

The Pychologist is not there to assess you but to see -through your drawing- how you feel and what worries you. If you do not know what to draw, do not hesitate to speak with the Psychologist, through your conversation many ideas will arise. 

Have you ever wondered what a Psychologist does?

If yes, then we have the answer as long as you read the information below to understand to whom they can offer help:

• The Psychologist helps adults to overcome their problems or to feel better through discussion
• The Psychologist helps children understand their feelings, resolve problems and difficult situations and learn positive ways of dealing with situations

Meeting at the Psychologist's office

When you visit the Psychologist's office, remember that she is willing to help you express your feelings and learn how you can make your life better: 

• She will welcome you with polite and friendly manner, to make you feel safe and comfortable
• You will sit comfortably in a chair and she will talk only about issues that you want
• If she asks you to complete brief questionnaires and then she lend you some colored pencils to draw, do not worry and do not get stressed. Through this way you will help the Psychologist to understand how you feel and think
• You will have the opportunity to chat while you play or discuss about a story you read together
• You will have the opportunity to ask the Psychologist whatever it concerns you about the patient who is in the Intensive Care Unit
• The Psychologist will answer all your questions, if you ask her