Most parents find it difficult to give an answer to this question because they are unable to know, in advance, if the child in ICU will have positive or negative effect on their emotions and whether he/she will be stigmatized from the images they will have from the clinical setting.

Your decision depends on many factors, including:

  • The child's age
  • The patient's condition
  • The child's desire to visit the patient in the Intensive Care Unit

Research has shown that...

Children over 4 years old find the visit to the ICU helpful, because they understand better the situation and their role as family members. Also, feelings of separation and fear are reduced.

Remember ...

  • Under no circumstances you should push your child to visit the ICU, if they do not want to
  • Whether your child will visit the ICU or not, is absolutely your decision
  • Psychologists can help you decide and guide you regarding how to better prepare your child